Our LifeRing Server application’s ability to process, translate and forward many U.S. and NATO datalinks has been successfully integrated into the AWS Cloud enabling us to provide fixed price secure, scalable, LOW cost, easy to maintain Multi-Domain C4I systems to the U.S. and our allies.
The datalinks and the processing depicted above have been successfully delivered to and utilized by various U.S., Five Eyes (FVEY) and other allied countries. The economic and agility advantages of cloud, combined with the ability to use AWS at every level of classification, opens doors for defense agencies using LifeRing to take advantage of our fixed price, low cost COTS approach of providing Multi-Domain Air / Ground / Sea C4I.
Department of State export approval is required for non-US military customers when the military datalinks or ELINT interfaces are included.
For more information see our LR-C4I-Brief-AWS.pdf and look at our videos.